RGR: When John Kasich Becomes The Voice Of Reason…America, We Have A Problem

Ross Goldberg Report: September 14, 2015


While the media wolf-pack is still focused on the blowhard who will not be president, very quietly and strategically, the sitting Governor of a key swing-state with 18 electoral college votes, who also happens to have had 20 years in the House Of Representatives, is climbing the ladder in the polls.

John Kasich was one of Newt Gingrich’s top lieutenant’s back in the day when government was being shut down because Newt had to exit the back of the President’s plane. Since then, he moved on to a second career in banking and then a third as governor of Ohio. So while the pack mentality stays focused on a narcissistic blowhard who believes he was born with all the innate knowledge he will ever need, this guy, with a resume that just might fool folks into thinking he is actually qualified to be in the race, has climbed to second in the polls in the first state that actually votes. He is also proceeding calmly and intelligently, pacing himself for the marathon while others still think it’s a sprint.


Just saying…..